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How the IQ Kids helps the kid?
Smart, by the way of sharing the curriculum with the children within a short duration. Clear Vision of approach in a joyful manner by play way method. Our Methodology is entirely different from traditional education but in an easy way. It leads encyclopedia knowledge; create interests in reading and produce knowledge in quantum assessment. Turn kids into word smart, picture smart, music smart and self-smart.
How will be my child benefited by this education?
Your kid will be an all-rounder through word smart, body smart, number smart, music smart, self-smart and picture smart. By these methods your kid will turn out to be genius.
Which is the age suitable for enrol?
6 Months onwards till 5 years.
Is this early education essential?
Kids after 5 years cannot enter into this programme, because our brain expands up to 80% expansion, we can be sure about your child being genius by entering this programme in time.
Is your methodology trail and error method?
Ours is proven concept and accepted by worldwide parents. Also our teaching aids are tailor made as easily usable.